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Hacking, Phishing Cases Jump in Hong Kong

Publicat de Alex Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hong Kong organizations need to combat security threats in a collaborative manner, urged Agnes Mak, executive director of the Hong Kong Productivity Council last week after the Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre (HKCERT) reported that the number of hacking andphishing cases were up 34 percent year-on-year in the first 10 months of the year.

According to the HKPC-managed HKCERT, there were 579 active hacking and phishing cases in the first 10 months of 2010. "As new technologies such as cloud computing and mobile apps for smartphones are increasingly popular, such cases set to spiral upward," said Mak who spoke at the opening of the Information Security Summit 2010 yesterday. "The Government, information security professionals, and the community at large must work together to curb these attacks." (See also Don't be Dragooned into the Botnet Army."

Other officiating guests at the opening ceremony included Eric Lam, Assistant Director (Support Branch), Office of the Telecommunications Authority of HKSAR Government, and Dale Johnstone,

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